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Bone conduction audio terminals

Cover your ears and… listen!
Silent object that reveals hearing through touch,
Losonnante invites you to dive into several senses.

Listen with your body

Without wearing any equipment, just put your elbows on the Losonnante audio terminal to hear sound!

Bone conduction

Losonnante is a sound device that uses osteophony. The sound is not projected through the air, it travels along the elbows, arms, hands to ears.

A result from research

5 years of research and 4 prototypes were necessary to develop Losonnante. The project was developed by the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center) laboratories.

A time out to let the world express itself differently

Losonnante offers listening that involves the whole body. In direct contact with the support, the listener enters into a game between the body, its listening position, the external environment and the internal sound universe in which he immerses himself.

In simplicity and astonishment, Losonnante becomes an object of intrigue: we become aware of a new way of perceiving, of hearing with our body. It is an innovation at the crossroads between the visual, tactile and auditory senses.

An experience involving the senses

Cover your ears and listen!

A discreet object that reveals hearing through touch, Losonnante invites you to dive into several senses. Object of intrigue, you become aware of a new way of perceiving and hearing with your body.

Hear differently, hear something else

With Losonnante, the relationship to sounds is different. Standing or seated, the listener is immersed into a hearing experience and a different perception of vibrations.

Playful learning

Studies show that you learn much faster using bone conduction. This involved listening promotes attention, memory and concentration.

The benefits of bone conduction

Perfect for noisy places

Bone conduction listening offers unparalleled sonic possibilities and depth in noisy places. Hands on your ears, you isolate yourself from the outside world.

A discreet sound bubble

Losonnante is a listening device that is discreet from those around it. It does not generate sound conflicts and can be installed in environments sensitive to noise.

Simplify access

The device offers a simple surface where you can put your elbows. There is no specific equipment. Depending on the position of the hands on the ears, the sound changes slightly allowing everyone to find the most suitable listening position.

Robust and reliable

Losonnante bone conduction sound terminals are robust and resistant with reduced maintenance costs. The device offers a simple surface where you can put your elbows. For the interior, we offer wooden surfaces that give a noble appearance to the touch. For the exterior we propose to use metal. Our devices are waterproof and resistant to external aggressions. The entire electrical system meets IP65 standards.

Who is the Losonnante device for ?

Museums & Heritage

Municipalities & Territories​

Waiting areas

Leisure industries


Losonnante a obtenu le coup de coeur du Jury en 2020 au Sitem
Losonnante a obtenu le prix de l'innovation en 2018 au salon des maires

An innovative device

Products adapted to the constraints of public places

The tests carried out in museums have enabled us to identify the needs and concerns of the host venues. Losonnante is a discreet device, functional and resistant to external aggressions.

Customised design

waterproof and resistant

Lightweight and autonomous

A new way of perceiving the world

Today there are spaces saturated with information, constant mobility, reduced attention spans. You have to relearn to listen to the world, to stop, to take your time. Losonnante proposes to value this approach. Thanks to the sound wave that propagates in the solids and in the body, it allows sensitive and involved listening in simplicity and astonishment.

CNRS laboraties called PACTE and CRESSON, invented this device, which takes a different approach than those based on screens and mobility.


Hear differently, hear something else

A sensitive experience through bone conduction listening

Hear the invisible
Touch with hearing
Watch with sounds

We have a solution for you

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